How to Display Houseplants

display houseplants

Houseplants bring vitality and visual interest to a space. Whether you want to create a warm and cozy vibe or just bring in some color and texture, indoor plants are a great option, but how do you display houseplants in your home? Decorating with plants can be especially tricky if you have a large collection and want your space to look stylish and curated, not like a hoarder’s lair. Learn how to manage your plants and display them in a way that benefits them and elevates your style.

display houseplants

Benefits of Indoor Plants

Styling your home with plants is necessary if you’re into houseplants as a hobby – you need to put them all someplace. Plants can be calming and make a space feel welcoming and zen-like. Including houseplants in your home decor can make the area feel homey and lived in.


Decorating your home with houseplants is also beneficial because plants are versatile. As the plant grows and changes, you may change how you display it. For example, a tabletop philodendron may need a hanging basket or a high perch when the vines put on some length. A blooming kalanchoe may need a more prominent display to enjoy the flowers thoroughly. 

Plants are capable of changing, but they can also stay the same. Slow-growing snake plants will maintain the same look if you crave consistency. Many houseplants can also be pruned to maintain a certain shape or size, so if you want the vines of your pothos to hang at a specific height or if you want your hoya to be compact and full, get out the pruning shears or pinch back new growth.

Fill in the Blanks

Display houseplants by filling in empty areas or voids. An empty spot on a bookshelf is a good spot to place a spider plant, and a high shelf or the top of an armoire is an ideal spot for a trailing plant, like tradescantia or pothos. Don’t limit yourself to blank spots on existing shelving or furniture. An empty corner can be a good place for a large floor plant, like a sansevieria or palm. 

Go Big

Make a statement by grouping several plants, but don’t just line them up on a windowsill or table. Place a couple of plants on a windowsill and a few more on a nearby table, and consider a macrame hanger or wall hanger to add even more plants. Display houseplants throughout a room to create a jungle feel and commit to the look. Feature plants at varying heights to create an immersive experience, so the eye is not drawn to one central spot.

Displaying houseplants together can also be a logical choice. A room with south-facing windows will likely receive plenty of sunlight, making it an excellent location for various plants with medium to bright indirect light needs. Grouping plants together can create an abundant look and a botanical theme, but it can also be a way to ensure your plants receive the light they need.

Match the Scale

An ample space can support a big plant, so select a tall plant if you have a room with high ceilings. A mature fiddle leaf fig or monstera deliciosa can easily fit into a large area without overwhelming the space. A large bird of paradise can make a small room feel cramped. In the same vein, feature small plants in small spaces. An adorable echeveria in a tiny pot is the perfect plant for a windowsill or a vanity in a half bath. Match the scale of the room when determining how to display houseplants.

The Rule of Three

There is something about odd numbers that make them more appealing visually. When grouping items together, follow the design rule of three. This rule dictates the items should be displayed in odd-numbered clusters. When adding plants to an end table, opt for three plants instead of two or four. You can feature two plants plus a decor item as your third but stick to odd numbers. You don’t have to limit yourself to three items, but consider the available space. Expanding beyond three items may be too busy and overwhelming or make the space look like you have a hoarding issue.

Consider the Space

Figuring out how to display houseplants can be a lot of fun but also challenging. Balance what looks best with what the plants need. 


Consider the light requirements because the plants need not just to survive but thrive in the area. You can supplement lighting with grow lights to make a location suitable for specific plants. Another great option is to add grow lights to a regular lamp to get the benefit of grow lights but in a more curated and pulled-together look. If you put the lamp on a timer, then you can make the entire process very hands-off while ensuring your houseplants receive the proper care. 


You need to be able to routinely access the plants to give them water, rotate them to ensure they receive even sunlight, and inspect them for signs of distress or pests. Placing a plant on a high shelf or in a hanging basket may look amazing, but consider if you are willing and able to drag a stepstool over every time the plant needs a drink. You definitely want your home to look nice, but consider the work that goes into placing plants in certain areas. Match your desire for your home to look nice with your level of commitment.

How to Display Houseplants

Houseplants are an engaging hobby, but they also provide endless design opportunities. How you display houseplants in your home sets the tone and vibe of the space. Indoor plants make a space feel inviting and comfortable. Always consider the plant’s needs when styling your home with plants, but get creative and look for solutions to make your space welcoming and to ensure your plants thrive.

2 responses to “How to Display Houseplants”

  1. […] any of these plants into your home will purify the air while introducing style. Styling a home with plants makes the space feel comfortable and lived in, while introducing a laidback vibe. The plants you […]

  2. […] and even bigger. Plants add depth and texture, not to mention color and sometimes fragrant flowers. Styling your home or even just a room with houseplants makes the space comfortable and lessens worry and tension. […]

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