Baltic Blue Pothos Care

Epipremnum pinnatum Baltic Blue

The Baltic Blue Pothos is less well-known than other pothos varieties, but this rare plant is still new and growing in popularity. Expect the easy-care sensibilities all pothos plants are known for mixed with unique foliage and a tropical vibe once the fast-growing plant reaches maturity. Learn about Baltic Blue Pothos care to help your plant flourish and look amazing.

Pothos Details

The Baltic Blue Pothos was developed in a nursery in Southeast Asia and has been available as a houseplant since 2022. This pothos has a vining growth habit, but the leaves set it apart from other pothos varieties. 

The long, thin foliage is a deep dark green with slight hints of blue. The blue is subtle, and green is the dominant color. Young plants have narrow, oblong leaves that come to a point. Mature plants develop fenestrated leaves. Fenestrations are slits along the edges of leaves, giving the foliage a lobed and tropical appearance. Mature Baltic Blue leaves can measure 6 to 12 inches long, and vines can grow 10 to 12 feet long when grown inside.

Different Species

Most of the well-known Pothos houseplants available are Epipremnum aureum, like the Golden Pothos and Jade Pothos. The Baltic Blue Pothos belongs to the same genus (Epipremnum) but is part of a different species (pinnatum). The Cebu Blue Pothos is another example of an Epipremnum pinnatum cultivar.

The easiest way to distinguish Epipremnum aureum from Epipremnum pinnatum is by examining the leaves. Epipremnum aureum has broad, heart-shaped leaves, while Epipremnum pinnatum has long, narrow leaves. 

Baltic Blue Pothos care

Baltic Blue Pothos Light Needs

All pothos plants are adaptable and capable of living in various light levels, but medium to bright indirect sunlight is best for proper Baltic Blue Pothos care. Increased light allows plants to push out large foliage and helps young plants develop fenestrations. Bright sunlight also makes the slight blue hue of the leaves more apparent.

A north- or east-facing window or a spot further away from a west or south window is a good home for the Baltic Blue. Direct sunlight will burn the leaves, so keep the plant out of direct light and routinely check the foliage for signs of sunburn. Rotate the pot a quarter turn each time you water the plant to give each side of the plant sunlight and keep the vines even.

Pothos plants can survive in low light, but the leaves will not be as large, and they may fail to form fenestrations. Large, fenestrated leaves are what the Baltic Blue is all about, so ensuring the plant has proper lighting is necessary for this rare houseplant to reach its full potential.

How Often to Water Baltic Blue Pothos

Water the Pothos Baltic Blue when the top few inches of potting mix are dry. This plant has moderate water needs and doesn’t like to be soggy but doesn’t want to dry out completely. Use your finger to gauge the dampness and water when necessary. Plan to water the plant every 7 to 10 days during the spring and summer and every 10 to 15 days during the fall and winter.

Watering the plant too soon can cause the leaves to turn yellow, starting at the tips. Pothos plants are much more forgiving when underwatered, and they’ll be fine if you’re a few days late with water. Entirely yellow leaves occur when the plant is left dry for too long.

Watering Tips

After determining the best time to water the pothos, saturate the plant until water drains through the potting mix. The goal is to get the entire root system wet but let excess water drain. Remove standing water from the cover pot or saucer so it is not absorbed into the soil. Water over a sink or tub and rinse the leaves to remove any dust or debris.

fenestrated leaves pothos

Best Soil for Pothos

Rich, moist soil that allows drainage is best for Baltic Blue Pothos care. Most ready-made potting mixes work well, but add perlite to improve the drainage. Take your plant care to the next level using a slightly acidic potting mix.

Temperature for Baltic Blue Pothos

Average room temperature is best for Baltic Blue Pothos care. Temperatures between 65° to 85° F are a comfortable range that supports growth. Move your plant outside for the summer to give it a boost, but keep an eye on the weather and make sure your plant is inside if the temperature dips below 55° F.

Baltic Blue Pothos Humidity Needs

Most plants with fenestrated foliage prefer increased humidity, and the Baltic Blue Pothos is no exception. Humidity around 60% is best. This pothos can happily live in higher humidity, but it isn’t necessary. Average humidity is alright, but don’t expect the plant to thrive. Low humidity will not work, so plan to increase the dampness in the air with a humidifier or a pebble tray with water.

Dryness along the edges of the foliage indicates the air is too dry. Humidity changes throughout the year, so check the dampness and address low humidity during the winter or as necessary.

Baltic Blue Pothos Fertilizer

Rich soil is often enough to support healthy and thriving pothos but fertilize the plant during the growing season to give it a boost and help it flourish. Balanced fertilizer provides the plant with even amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, ensuring the pothos has everything it needs to push out new, large leaves on reaching vines. Use a water-soluble plant food or water before fertilizing to protect the roots.

Apply fertilizer every two to four weeks during the spring and summer. Plants don’t need fertilizer when they’re dormant during the fall and winter.

Epipremnum pinnatum

Does Baltic Blue Pothos Bloom?

The Baltic Blue Pothos blooms. The whitish-green spadix and spathe flowers bloom in the spring and summer. Houseplants rarely bloom, which isn’t any kind of loss because the flowers aren’t showy. The unique, blue-tinged, fenestrated foliage is the draw of this rare pothos.

Pruning Tips

Prune this pothos to remove dead or damaged growth or control the size. Even up lopsided vines for a consistent appearance and hold on to those cuttings to propagate. Always use clean, sharp shears when pruning houseplants.

When to Repot Baltic Blue Pothos 

The Baltic Blue Pothos is a fast-growing plant when it receives proper care, so plan to repot every one to two years. Exposed roots and slow growth are the common signs that it’s time to repot a houseplant. Repot plants in the spring, at the start of the growing season, to support continued growth.

Baltic Blue Pothos Propagation

Stem cuttings rooted in water are the easiest and most effective way to propagate Baltic Blue Pothos. Remove a stem section that measures several inches long with multiple nodes and leaves. Remove lower leaves as needed and place the cut end and nodes in water. Place the cuttings in a sunny spot.

Roots will grow in a couple of weeks. Transplant the cutting to soil when the roots are a couple of inches long. Keep the potting mix damp for the first week or two to ease the transition to soil.

Water propagate Epipremnum

Is the Baltic Blue Pet Safe?

The Baltic Blue Pothos is toxic to pets and people. Eating the leaves or stems can cause mouth, tongue, and throat swelling. Consuming the plant can cause vomiting or diarrhea. While getting your hands on this rare pothos is exciting, reconsider if you have pets, especially if those furry friends have a history of nibbling on foliage.

Baltic Blue Pothos Styling Tips

Styling the Baltic Blue is all about options. Let the trailing stems hang down so the large leaves create a wall of greenery. Use a trellis or moss pole so the stems can climb. Baltic Blue plants on a trellis tend to grow larger leaves, which means more fenestrations. Use a trellis if you want an impressively large plant. Either way, the pothos will look lush and amazing.

Always select a pot with drainage or use a nursery pot placed inside a decorative cover pot if you want to match the decor of a space or routinely mix things up. 

Baltic Blue Pothos Care Tips

Adding a rare plant to your collection can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to houseplants, but the Baltic Blue Pothos is a good candidate because it’s easy to maintain. This pothos is adaptable, but give it bright, indirect sunlight and increased humidity to help it thrive and grow impressive, fenestrated foliage. Baltic Blue Pothos care is similar to other Pothos cultivars, but plenty of sunlight is vital for this plant to shine.

One response to “Baltic Blue Pothos Care”

  1. […] add warmth and texture to a bedroom. Go for something easy to maintain and out of the ordinary with Baltic Blue Pothos. The fenestrated leaves add dimension, while the ability to live in medium light makes it a good […]

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